Early Warning Center

Provides early warnings, comprehensive 24/7 reporting, and – on request – analyses by expert panels. ARISTOTLE builds up on and adds value to existing information systems and sources, and that it fully respects national and regional responsibilities. As required, a multi-hazard scientific partnership and its governance will be created to ensure the holistic understanding of crisis management in natural disasters with interrelated consequences and cascade & linked effects, which may lead to an unforeseen chain of events. Within ARISTOTLE, a collaborative network of scientific and operational experts will be established across Europe to exploit the available scientific and technological expertise and to assure mutual learning and improved coordination based on a multi-hazard approach, including the definition and implementation of the required prevention countermeasures, enhancing the information provided to the ERCC and, through the governance structure, ensuring a collaborative dialogue with the national mandated civil protection authorities.


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Provides early warnings, comprehensive 24/7 reporting, and – on request – analyses by expert panels. ARISTOTLE builds up on and adds value to existing information systems and sources, and that it fully respects national and regional responsibilities. As required, a multi-hazard scientific partnership and its governance will be created to ensure the holistic understanding of crisis management in natural disasters with interrelated consequences and cascade & linked effects, which may lead to an unforeseen chain of events. Within ARISTOTLE, a collaborative network of scientific and operational experts will be established across Europe to exploit the available scientific and technological expertise and to assure mutual learning and improved coordination based on a multi-hazard approach, including the definition and implementation of the required prevention countermeasures, enhancing the information provided to the ERCC and, through the governance structure, ensuring a collaborative dialogue with the national mandated civil protection authorities.


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Meer informatie

Ontwikkelaar (en land): KNMI, Netherlands
Website: https://www.digitaleoverheid.nl/initiatief/early-warning-center-aristotle/ , https://www.knmi.nl/kennis-en-datacentrum/project/aristotle-205ca836-0270-4be6-af92-7fb402f058e4
In welk land wordt het instrument al ingezet?: worldwide
Zo ja, welke talen?: English and some parts Dutch