
Today 54% of the world population lives in cities and by 2050, this figure is estimated to reach 66%. If we want to avoid pollution, climate change, unnecessary waste, etc, we need to use public transportation in order to contribute to have cities of the future smarter and more liveable for us.

CityGO application is an off the shelf product which connects sensors and open data from municipalities and third parties, with the advanced geo-location based technologies that are already integrated with FIWARE. CityGO mobile APP provides recommendation to you on what’s the best itinerary to take and what’s the best means of transport to take based on the real time information. It offers smart suggestions and predictions for transportation routes and types for the citizens who use it via mobile application. CityGO tells which public transport options you can use for a particular route, either taking a train, buses available, or the nearest public bike rental station, or parking spaces and its availability. Everything is managed in real time in the city to obtain an optimal route promoting healthy habits and respectful with the environment. It uses city-wide sensor network and open data from the city to get information on urban public transportation.

Besides, the CityGO dashboard is adaptable to each city using information from local administrations to enrich the application and give the user the best and accurate information, all managed on real-time.


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Today 54% of the world population lives in cities and by 2050, this figure is estimated to reach 66%. If we want to avoid pollution, climate change, unnecessary waste, etc, we need to use public transportation in order to contribute to have cities of the future smarter and more liveable for us.

CityGO application is an off the shelf product which connects sensors and open data from municipalities and third parties, with the advanced geo-location based technologies that are already integrated with FIWARE. CityGO mobile APP provides recommendation to you on what’s the best itinerary to take and what’s the best means of transport to take based on the real time information. It offers smart suggestions and predictions for transportation routes and types for the citizens who use it via mobile application. CityGO tells which public transport options you can use for a particular route, either taking a train, buses available, or the nearest public bike rental station, or parking spaces and its availability. Everything is managed in real time in the city to obtain an optimal route promoting healthy habits and respectful with the environment. It uses city-wide sensor network and open data from the city to get information on urban public transportation.

Besides, the CityGO dashboard is adaptable to each city using information from local administrations to enrich the application and give the user the best and accurate information, all managed on real-time.


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Meer informatie

Ontwikkelaar (en land): Atos + Malaga
Jaar van uitbrengen: 2018
Zo nee, jaar van definitieve versie: 2018
Wat is het verdien- of businessmodel?: App gebruikers
In welk land wordt het instrument al ingezet?: Malaga
Zo ja, welke talen?: Engels