Op 6 & 7 oktober vindt een congres plaats in Amsterdam over data transparantie, waarbij men nog op zoek is naar sprekers. Wellicht interessant voor een paar van jullie, om deel te nemen of een voorstel te presenteren? 

Over het event

The NWO funded research group BRIDE (BRIdging Data in the built Environment) and AMS Institute’s Responsible Sensing Lab are coming together to co-host a conference on data transparency in public space.

Cities have increasingly been collecting and analyzing data generated from sensors in public space. This conference will explore how data collecting capabilities and uses are made available (and understandable) to the general public.

Scholars, legal experts, city planners, citizens, data scientists, and students will come together to better understand:

  1. the global legal status of data transparency in public space
  2. how data transparency works in practice
  3. prototypes and ideas for the future based on the needs of the general public as well as corporate and governmental stakeholders.

We welcome you either virtually or in person with us in Amsterdam to discuss and learn about these issues. 

Over voorstellen

This conference is accepting abstracts from academic faculty and students, individuals who work in the field of data transparency and or the smart city, as well as citizens with personal research to share. Applications should fit one of the main three themes of the conference, either (1) law and regulations, (2) data transparency in practice, or (3) possible futures. If you are unsure of whether or not to apply please email the conference organizers.

We are accepting talks, short stories, artwork, posters, and workshops!

Applications are available here:

Application Deadline: 15 August 2021

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