
ThingSpeak is an IoT analytics platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams in the cloud. You can send data to ThingSpeak from your devices, create instant visualization of live data, and send alerts.


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ThingSpeak is an IoT analytics platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams in the cloud. You can send data to ThingSpeak from your devices, create instant visualization of live data, and send alerts.


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Ontwikkelaar (en land): ioBridge + VS
Jaar van uitbrengen: 2010
Wat is het verdien- of businessmodel?: Platform as a service businessmodel. ThingSpeak is available as a free service for non-commercial small projects (<3 million messages/year or ~8.200 messages/day). For larger projects or commercial applications, four different annual license types are offered: Standard, Academic, Student and Home. ThingSpeak is bought in units, where one unit allows 33 million messages to be processed and stored in a one-year period (~90.000 messages/day). One unit also provides the ability to create a fixed number of channels on ThingSpeak.
In welk land wordt het instrument al ingezet?: In veel landen, bijv. Nederland etc.
Zo ja, welke talen?: English, Deutsch, Spanish, Français, Italiano